Response on S Memon, et al. (J Pak Med Assoc. 74: 1163-1166, June 2024) Osmolar gap in hyponatraemia: An exploratory study Authors Shoukat Memon Department of Nephrology, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Karachi, Pakistan. Faiza Saeed Department of Nephrology, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Karachi, Pakistan. Ashar Alam Department of Nephrology, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Karachi, Pakistan. Javeria Chughtai Department of Nephrology, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Karachi, Pakistan. Salman Imtiaz Department of Nephrology, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Karachi, Pakistan. Abstract Thank you very much for your insightful comments,which will certainly enhance the clarity and highlight theimportance of this topic. Our study revealed a notablenumber of patients with elevated osmolar gap (OG), withdiabetes being the third most common comorbidity afterCKD and hypertension. Addressing the influence of bloodglucose on OG is indeed essential; however, due tojournal limitations, I was unable to include the tableshowing the Mean ± SD of RBS (mg/dl) in the Raised OGgroup (n=141) at 153.94 ± 72.53 and in the Normal OGgroup (n=121). Notably, no cases of DKA were identified.I acknowledge that this aspect, along with otherlimitations—such as the lack of measurements for totallipids, total protein, and serum lactate—was notthoroughly addressed in our study. These variables wereinitially excluded due to the study’s primary focus onhyponatraemia, its severity, and outcomes. The discoveryof elevated OG in a substantial number of patientsbecame evident later in the research, prompting us toobtain IRB approval to include OG measurements. Mygoal was to emphasize this significant finding, which hasnot been widely recognized, and I encourage furtherresearch to investigate this area more comprehensively. Downloads Full Text Article Published 2025-01-26 How to Cite Shoukat Memon, Faiza Saeed, Ashar Alam, Javeria Chughtai, & Salman Imtiaz. (2025). Response on S Memon, et al. (J Pak Med Assoc. 74: 1163-1166, June 2024) Osmolar gap in hyponatraemia: An exploratory study. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 75(02), 348–348. Retrieved from More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Issue Vol. 75 No. 02 (2025): FEBRUARY Section LETTER TO THE EDITOR REJOINDER License Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.