Submitted manuscripts are reviewed for originality, significance, adequacy of documentation, reader interest and composition.
Manuscripts not submitted according to instructions will be returned to the author for correction prior to the beginning of the processing. All manuscripts are subject to a similarity check using the Turnitin service, and articles exceeding the limit of greater than or equal to 20% similarity are returned for clarification and/or correction. Revised manuscripts are judged on the adequacy of responses to suggestions and criticisms made during the initial review. Manuscripts are then forwarded to two external peer reviewers and statistical reviewers. This process is double-blinded. Each manuscript will further be checked for technical, epidemiological, statistical, and ethical and language corrections.
All parts of accepted manuscripts are subject to editing for scientific accuracy and clarity by the office of the Editor. The editorial board of Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association holds the right to a final decision of accepting or rejecting any article from publication in the journal at all stages.
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association has agreed to receive and publish manuscripts in accordance with the principles of the following committees: